Items which appear on the PICTURE checklist involve the graphics within boxes, not the boxes themselves (except for No background on TIFFs). Turn items on or off by clicking on the colored arrows to the left. When it is green and pointing upward it is on. By turning an item on, you let QC know to check for that item. Certain items check for things to fall within a prescribed range. The range can be set using the pop-up info adjusters which appear when the underlined parameter is clicked. Following is a breakdown of the items on the PICTURE checklist:

Picture information: Will cause QC to list picture items with more information such as the type and name of the picture. When this is on it also creates an indented view of pictures and relevant flagged problems on the list.

RGB: Will cause QC to list graphics it encounters which appear to be set up with RGB rather than the print-optimized CYMK.

Spot colors: Will cause QC to list graphics it encounters which use spot colors, those which require additional plates for printing.

Resolution below: Will cause QC to list pictures which it determines to have a DPI resolution below that which is specified. If in QC Prefs, you have selected 'Calculate resolution relatively,' QC will use a different formula to calculate resolution which takes into account picture scaling within Quark.

Resolution above: Will cause QC to list pictures which it determines to have a DPI resolution above that which is specified. If in QC Prefs, you have selected 'Calculate resolution relatively,' QC will use a different formula to calculate resolution which takes into account picture scaling within Quark.

Scaled: Will cause QC to list pictures which are not set to 100%.

Rotated: Will cause QC to list pictures which are rotated in Quark.

Flipped: Will cause QC to list pictures which are flipped in Quark.

Missing: Will cause QC to list missing pictures.

Modified: Will cause QC to list modified pictures.

Missing fonts: Will cause QC to list EPS pictures which contain fonts that are missing.

No background on TIFFs: Will cause QC to list TIFFs where background is set to none. This can cause printing problems.

All the above: Will cause QC to check for everything on the PICTURE checklist.

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